DT A-Level

In preparation for your A-level in either product design or fashion and textiles, there are a number of areas you could work on over the summer break. These tasks will help build a base level of knowledge for your upcoming course.

Task 2 - Sketching

Producing high quality design ideas is a crucial part of both A-level DT course. Try grabbing some paper and a pencil and come up with your own ideas for problems you have identified. If you need some inspiration then try the design museum website's 'idea machine'. The site generates random design briefs for you to try and design for:


Practical Skills

If you have access, why not try continuing to develop your practical skills by making things at home. Whether its sewing and sawing, it doesn't matter as long as you have permission and can work safely.

The Course

Below are copies of the specifications for the two DT courses. Have a look through the theory content to familiarise yourself with what is to come over the next two years: