• Sixth Form Student Voice March 2024

Sixth Form Student Voice March 2024

1. Teachers have high aspirations for students and demand a consistently high standard of work.
2. At Bishop Stopford School we expect students to show high levels of respect for staff and other students. In your experience how do students show high levels of respect for others?
3. The work given to you in lessons is appropriately demanding, improving and extending what you already know?
4. My teachers ensure that retrieval activities at the start and tasks within the lesson give me information on how I am progressing and understanding topics.
5. Describe how in each A level subject you understand the course content and what is being covered each term so that you have the 'big picture'.
6. I have the knowledge and understanding to be able to make a decisions on my next stage of education, training or employment for when I have completed by A levels.
7. What activities / events / lessons have you been involved with at school that have helped you make a decision about your post 18 route.
8. I feel safe at school.
9. Bullying and discrimination is not tolerated at Bishop Stopford School. Have you ever needed to report any incident and if so how was it dealt with?
10. If you had a concern or needed support in any way do you have an adult in school you feel you could go and talk to?
11. Teachers have expert knowledge in the courses they teach?
12. When I hand in work to be marked I receive feedback on how I can improve.
13. How do students in the Sixth Form demonstrate high positive attitudes and commitment to their education?
14. Being in the Sixth Form is more than just studying 3 or 4 A level subjects. What other things do you also have on your timetable and what other activities are you also involved in?

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