
Statistics involves the gathering and organisation of data and information.

Data is collected and then processed. It can be displayed using graph and listed in tables. Calculations can be made to summarise the data. Finally the data is presented, discussed and conclusions are made.

Statistics are often used to help to show or prove something. When this happens an investigation or survey is often carried out.

Can you count the number of red, blue, green andellow cars as they whizz by? Some are very fast and  some are very slow!  You will need some way of recording what you see. Click on the picture to start the cars. You will see GAME OVER when all the cars have passed. It takes about 2 minutes so be patient. If you lose count click on the left arrow and then click again to restart.

Try this one 

Can you find other sets of five positive whole numbers where:  Mean = Median = Mode = Range ?