Design & Technology

Welcome to the Design & Technology page. Below is a short description  and some information about the teachers and technicians in the DT department. There are also some fun activities for you to try out over the summer break. You do not have to complete all of the projects, we have just included a number of different ones for you to choose from. 

The Design and Technology Department

Hello there, my name is Mr Sidgwick and I am the head of the D&T department here at Bishop Stopford School. Every student in years 7, 8 & 9 at Bishop has D&T lessons and you will get to learn about, design and make a wide range of exciting things. 

You will be working with a lot of different materials and equipment from plastic to fabric and food processors to drills and we cannot wait to get started.

The Design and Technology Team:

Mrs Miles - Head of Food Preparation & Nutrition 

Mrs Miles - Head of Food Preparation & Nutrition

I teach Food Preparation and Nutrition. I love teaching this subject because it is practical and you get to move around and do things. It is great because you get a new chance to succeed every lesson. In addition, I love to eat so it is a handy skill to have. My favourite food is Chinese Crispy Duck.

Mrs Reed - Teacher of KS3 Design & Technology

I love teaching DT, particularly Food Technology, because it has a huge impact on young people’s learning by contributing to their creativity and practical skills. DT teaches students how to take risks so they become more resourceful and able to problem solve. Fun fact: ran a cookery course alongside Mary Berry (spent most of the time washing up!)

Miss Harrington - Teacher of Design & Technology (Textiles Specialist)

I love teaching DT because it allows you to be really creative. I have always enjoyed sewing and love the feeling you get when you are wearing something you have made and someone asks where it is from!

Mrs Ashton - Food & Textiles Technician

An invaluable part of the DT department, Mrs Ashton is the food and textiles technician and helps to support both students and teachers in the classroom.

Mr Coxon - Product Design Technician

Mr Coxon is another one of our technicians and focuses mainly on the product design side of the department. Whenever you start a project, have you ever wondered where the materials come from? Well, Mr Coxon is the answer. He is also essential in maintaining the equipment we use every day.