Welcome to PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education)

We are looking forward to helping you find your way through childhood and adolescence and to enable you to prepare for adult life.  In our lessons we like to be able to talk and discuss the issues that matter to us as we grow up.  Moving from primary to secondary school, might seem a little daunting for some, but it is also an exciting time when we can become more independent in our lives and start to discover who we are and what we would like to become.

Curriculum: What do we study in Year 7?

Personal safety: as we move up to secondary school we become much more independent.  We want you to be aware of the world around you, to be able to recognise potential danger and be able to come up with practical solutions that will keep you safe.

Community Challenge: Part of our active citizenship approach.  We want you to be able to undertake a personal challenge that will allow you to independently help and support an individual or organisation in your local community.  By helping others we can learn a lot about ourselves, our personality, strengths and weaknesses.  We can also learn empathy - what life is like for other people in different situations to our own.  Emotionally, helping others gives us a real feel good factor - seeing that we can make a difference and we can help other people gives us real confidence in our own abilities.

Puberty: This is the time in your life when you are not only transitioning between primary and secondary education, but physically and emotionally transforming from child to teenager and on to adult.  It can be a very tricky time to understand, as our bodies change, so do our emotions and relationships with other people.  We look at what changes are happening and offer support and guidance about how to manage this change.  If we understand what is happening, it helps us to recognise and cope better with changes that are taking place.