
Welcome to Drama!

Below you will find some exciting activities to try in your preparation for Key Stage 3 Drama. Drama is a practical subject, so be ready for lots of movement and noise! There is also an introduction to us, your new Drama teachers, and some links in case you want to read more.

You do not need to complete all of the activities, choose the ones you like best to give yourself a head start for next year.

The Drama Department

Mrs Fraser - Head of Drama

Mrs Fraser is passionate about Drama because it allows people to tell their story as well as learn about the world around them. She likes watching and learning about different theatrical styles, but is most impressed by Physical Theatre. Mrs Fraser has taught in Northampton for 20 years and is really enjoys teaching at Bishop Stopford School this year. She has lots of ideas for all sorts of creative performances and projects that we can do together.

Mrs Bamford – Teacher of Drama

Mrs Bamford loves everything dramatic, but has a soft spot for musical theatre. She’s originally American (hence the accent) and has been teaching here in England for the past 12 years. She is a sucker for Shakespeare, and always incredibly impressed by people with any artistic ability.