Year 7 Curriculum

PE at Bishop is very important - we want you to develop a passion for being active that you will take with you throughout the rest of your lives, enjoying all the life-enhancing benefits it brings.

Our main aims in PE are;

  • Physical Development (Your body) - this covers developing your physical skills and your physical fitness
  • Personal Development (Your behaviours) - this includes confidence, resilience, commitment, self-discipline, leadership skills and many others
  • Mental Development (Your brain) - this covers analytical skills, creativity, problem solving and includes learning key vocabulary

Underpinning all this is your attitude towards physical activity.  You will work to your maximum every lesson, appreciating that progress takes time and consistent effort and will aim to be YOUR best, not necessarily THE best.

The core PE programme

You will be taught in mixed ability classes, in single gender groups, partnered with another form (Canterbury and Durham, Ely and Gloucester, Peterborough and Salisbury, Winchester and York).

You will have 2 x 1 hour lessons each week - usually one indoor and one outdoor.  You will do each activity for approximately 6 weeks before changing.  We try to give you a range of experiences in different activities, through which you can achieve our aims above.  Here is an example of the usual programme in Year 7, however, this programme will likely be altered to accommodate the latest COVID guidance from the Government.

Extra-curricular PE

We offer a range of extra-curricular opportunities for all abilities.  Most clubs take place at lunchtime and fixtures are generally after school (there are some exceptions)

Activities take place at different times of the year and for Year 7 includes; football, rugby, basketball, contemporary dance, netball, hockey, badminton, table tennis, handball, tennis, cricket, athletics and others.  We continually review our offer, so additional activities are sometimes available if there is enough interest. 

The vast majority of clubs are open to all (occasionally we may run squad only practices in advance of key fixtures) regardless of experience and are a great way to meet people outside of your form,  use up some energy, improve further and do something positive with your free time. 

We usually select our teams through the lunchtime clubs, so if you have any interest in  representing the school, it is essential you attend the club.  Selections are made via a combination of the attitude and commitment of a student and their ability.

Competitive Sport

We believe in the positive benefits of engaging in competitive sports, there is lots of scientific evidence that being engaged in competitive sport brings huge benefits both within sports but also in your academic and social lives.  Therefore, we try to provide every student with the opportunity to experience competition at a level appropriate to their experience.  There are 2 main layers of this;


This is competition between students in our school.  This takes the form of our House Competitions.  We currently have 3 main events; Winter, Spring and Summer House Games.  All students are expected to take a participatory role unless injured.  There are a range of activities at each event, so there should be something for everyone.  We keep the points accrued at each event to decide the winning House.


This is competition between schools.  There are many opportunities to compete against other schools in a range of activities including; netball, hockey, football, rugby, badminton, rounders, cricket, cross country, athletics, dodgeball, indoor rowing, table tennis, handball at varying levels.  We compete within our area, the Kettering and Corby Schools.  We also enter the County-wide Northamptonshire School Games qualifiers.  In some sports we enter County Schools competitions and National Competitions also.  Many activities have a range of levels of competition to try and enable as many students to participate as possible, not always the most experienced performers.

The Team


5K Run

Test yourself with a 5k run.  Ask your parents to download one of the apps like Strava, Mapmyrun, Runkeeper if they haven't got it already and take you out on a 5k run.  You can run, walk, jog, whatever you can manage.  Have another go later in the week and see if you can improve your time!  Here's some from the PE department for you to aim for...

We are looking forward to meeting you in person in September, see you soon and stay active!