Task 2 - Product Design

Activity 2 - Product Design

Product Design is the practical side of Design & Technology. This task allows you to make a ‘passive amplifier’ for your (or someone else’s) mobile phone. A passive amplifier boosts the volume of your device without the need for any batteries and is much more environmentally friendly than using a battery powered speaker.

This product is made from cardboard but you could use any leftover material you have around the house as long as it is stiff and can be cut by hand. You could decorate your product any way you like and produce something personalised to your style.

You simply need to print out the template below but you may need to adjust the size for your specific phone. If you would like to send me your results then my email address is below or you could bring them with you to your first DT lesson after the summer break.

I can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Mr Sidgwick
