Music Peri September 2024 to July 2025

    If you wish to request Music Peripatetic lessons at BSS from September 2024 to July 2025, please complete and submit this form.

    Applications will be sent to NMPAT for consideration

    Name of student *
    Current Tutor Group *
    Current Music Peri Teacher (if applicable)
    Chosen instrument *
    Please indicate the standard reached in this instrument, or any other relevant information
    Lessons are currently taken with the County Music Service *
    Instrument *

    If you receive Pupil Premium:

    Please tick the box below and I will forward your details to our Pupil Premium co-ordinator, to find out if funding is available for music peri lessons.  Please (right-)click here for further information regarding Pupil Premium.

    Pupil Premium

    Please (right-)click here to read our Musical instruments at School guidelines

    I have read and understand the Musical Instruments at School guidelines *

    I understand that by requesting music peri lessons at BSS I have accepted financial liability for the whole academic year.  l will be invoiced and charged for three terms per academic year and can choose either a 15, 20 or 30 minute one to one music peri lesson as outlined below:

    • £137.50 per term for eleven 15 minute lessons (total annual cost £412.50)
    • £183.33 per term for eleven 20 minute lessons (total annual cost £550.00)
    • £275.00 per term for eleven 30 minute lessons (total annual cost £825.00)
    I would like to request the following lesson time *
    I understand that by ticking this box and requesting music peri lessons at BSS, I have accepted financial liability for the cost of lessons for the whole of the Academic year September 2024 to July 2025. *
    Parent / Guardian Name *

    If you require any further information, please email .

    Please leave the next box blank or your submission will not be accepted: