Learn to play an Instrument or Sing at Bishop Stopford School

School Music Peripatetic Lessons

Sept 2024 - Jul 2025

Bishop Stopford School are pleased to be able to offer music lessons with visiting teachers in the following instruments:

  • Brass
  • Cello / Double Bass
  • Guitar
  • Percussion
  • Piano / Keyboard
  • Violin / Viola
  • Voice
  • Woodwind (Bassoon, Clarinet, Flute, Oboe, Saxophone)

Tuition takes place individually and lessons are charged at three 11 week terms per academic year, and you can request either 15, 20, or 30 minute lessons as outlined below:

15 min lesson - 11 lessons per term - £137.50 per term - total annual cost £412.50

20 min lesson - 11 lessons per term - £183.33 per term - total annual cost £550.00

30 min lesson - 11 lessons per term - £275.00 per term - total annual cost £825.00

Places are allocated on a 'first come first served' basis once completed applications are received. Most of our instrumental teachers are co-ordinated by NMPAT.  All lessons are one-to-one and take place during the school academic day. We do not recommend that students take lessons in more than two instruments. Tuition is usually arranged on a rota basis. Timetables and instructions to students are regularly placed on the Practice room noticeboard and on Firefly to access at home. 

By completing and submitting an online application form you are accepting financial responsibility for a full year's tuition. If a student wishes to discontinue lessons, it may be possible to transfer your costs by offering your place to a student on a waiting list. However charges will still apply for the full academic year if a replacement student is not available.

Application Form

If you would like to request music peri lessons for Sept 2024 to July 2025, please complete an online application form. 

Forms received will be processed dependent on the capacity of the teachers.

                                                               Please click here to access application form

                                                                              Mrs J Armstrong BSS Head of Music


                          Mrs Kay Watt Peri Lessons Co-ordinator
