Music Extra Curricular opportunities at Bishop Stopford School

"Music is the universal language of mankind"  -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

 Much of our instrumental and vocal teaching and work with many  of our Extra curricular groups  is delivered by Northamptonshire Music and performing Arts Trust

Click here for their website:

There are some fabulous extra curricular opportunities on offer at Bishop Stopford School here are some excellent reasons to be part of them:

Its Fun!

It develops your ensemble skills as a Musician

It supports your School and your Music Department

It's good for your happiness and well-being, releasing lovely endorphins- there's more to life than just lessons!

It develops your listening, observational and awareness skills

You can record your involvement in a Personal Statement, Resume, CV, Record of Achievement or submit it as an element of of a Duke of Edinburgh Award or similar

It is an opportunity to socialise

And much more..

Groups on offer for 2019-20 include:

Concert Band

String Ensemble

Brass Band

Folk Band

Jazz Group

Guitar Ensemble


Rock and Pop Ensemble

Ukulele Group

Percussion Group

Junior Girls Choir

Boys Choir

Senior Choir 

"Music is life itself"- Louis Armstrong